Electronics > Transformer calculator (Public)

TO DO list

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Silvio Klaic:
This is additional TO DO list for future upgrade of Transformer program.
However, for making any update I’ll need data about any transformer coils and formulas.
So if anyone is willing to help, I appreciate it.

* field for selecting the core shape (toroid, U, E, I, W)
* the input Amps should be user defined;
* wire thicknes in P1 should be user defined + a field with optimum calculated for both P1 and S1 (maybe S2) wire thickness;
* if it is feasible, due to the S1 wire thickness (in the stepdown type) to put an area cross section field (maybe different shapes for the wire);
* possibility of using transformer taps on S1 to regulate the output voltageNews 26.Jan 2013

* simplify user input fields and program handling
* improve corrections on core/wire specification
* add option to calculate with unknown core/ferrite by inputting few simple measurements
* calculate bare essential data to match wide range of cores/materials – if you need more precise or detailed calculation, then you need professional program or manual calculations

Hi Silvio,
Will you release 64bit version of this program?
Thank you for great job.
Best regards.

Silvio Klaic:
Update news
I'm working for some time now on new transformer calculator.
Currently I do tests on different calculations for different coils, mainly ferrite ones at wide frequency range.
In next month or so I'll post result of testing and future updates on program.

Program will be under GPL license and open sourced.
I'm planning to create it as dynamic HTML using java script, this way can be run on any platform, either online or offline.
I am planning to put first beta release in March.

Hi, Sorry I'm a late comer for this forum. Even though this forum has minimal discussion page, it is very informative. I don't see any recent activities in this page and don't know this is still alive or not, but I have no idea about what program you are discussing about regarding the SMPS design.
I'm trying to design my very first flyback SMPS design and gathering information related to that. If any such software available to simplify my job, please share with me. For learning, all the design  I have to study and understand by myself, but if I can finish my design with a help of some softwares for the first time only, it will be a motivation for me to move further.


Silvio Klaic:
It is alive and I discussing here only about mains transformer design (50/60Hz), not particularly SMPS design.
Main reason is because I didn't work enough with SMPS to need such program to help me.
All programs which I create is to primarily help me in calculations and I publish most of them as free software to help others.

If somebody have knowledge and willing/time to help me I'm open to create calculator for any type of transformer design.


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