Click on region from which you want help or see below.
This is place where you type which output voltage and amperage you use for
That's voltage and amperage what you are transformed from input voltage.
You can use more output voltages and amperage, e.g. if you build transformer
220V to 2x12V, then you enter two times 12 volts and amperage.
Output voltage of transformer
This is where you type output voltage for your transformer.
Type here exact wanted voltage, program adds to it 6% more value to compensate
lost during transforming.
You can use up and down arrows to increase or decrease voltage value.
If you typing number, don't press enter to add that value to list, use add
Output amperage of transformer
This is where you type exact output amperage for your transformer.
Type value in milliampers (1A = 1000mA).
You can use up and down arrows to increase or decrease amperage value.
If you typing number, don't press enter to add that value to list, use add
Add/Change button for adding/changing wanted
voltage and amperage to/in lists
This is add/change button, after you type wanted value for output voltage and
amperage, use this button to add that values to lists.
If there is selected unlock coil under options then this can become change
Selecting one item (value) in voltage/amperage list, values are copied to
voltage and amperage boxes for changing.
Clicking now on change button, you are change values in lists from values in
To return on add button, you can deselect items (values) double clicking on it
or select lock coil under options.
When values are in lists, then you can calculate with them.
List of wanted output voltage
There are displayed all output voltages which you want use in calculations.
Selecting item (value) here will automatically select related items (values) in
amperage, coils and wire thickness lists.
To deselect, double click on selected value.
List of wanted output amperage
Here are displayed all output amperage in milliampers, which you want use in
Selecting value here will automatically select related values in voltage, coils
and wire thickness lists.
To deselect, double click on selected value.
Delete and Clear buttons
Those buttons are for deleting and clearing values from all output lists.
That includes voltage, amperage, coils and wire thickness list.
Use delete button to remove one selected value and related values from all
output lists.
Clear button use for removing all values from all output lists.
Check box option in list
Using this option is possible only if you select unlock coil under options.
This option is useful to adapt some values to maximum power of EI core.
E.g. if you request more output power than core can provide, then check items
on list which you want change.
Click on calculate button to recalculate. Items that aren't checked stays fixed
and they will not change. All checked items are changed if it's possible.
Calculated values are adapt to maximum power which core can provide.
E.g. you want use transformer with maximum core power, type wanted voltage,
unlock coil, check all amperage and calculate.
During recalculation, in new values are included 15% more on power and 6% more
on voltage to compensate lost during transforming.