IC Tester HELP - Download section
Where to start download?
Good question, my recommendation is this:
  1. Download HELP pages, there you will find all information about constructing IC Tester device and required components.
  2. Download PDF document to get printed board layout and with it make IC Tester or some addon board.
  3. After you solder and finish with constructing IC Tester or/and addon device you can download ictester program. With it you can test if new created devices working properly.
  4. On the end you'll need database if you want use automatic test files (analyze data files) for testing ICs. You can also get database editor if planning to compact your analyze test files into database.

Online HELP pages for offline use

From now on here you can download these entire online help pages which contain assembling instructions, program testing instructions, program help etc. Under program release there will be no more help manual, so you have to download these pages if you want to see program help.
In this archive aren't included programs and other documents that are available on this download page.
After you download this archive, unpack it into IC Tester share directory /usr/local/share/ictester/help (default on Linux/UNIX). On DOS/Windows in share directory C:\ICTESTER\SHARE\HELP (by default).

IC Tester HELP
Ziped html document files, 101449 hits so far.
File name:
File size:1.29 MB - 1355275 Bytes Update: 13 Jan 2005
Md5sum: 309af85e2c8744c69e01049e7422c830


IC Tester 2, IC Tester upgrade and Diode/OCR addon

Here is PDF file which contains printed board image for making printed circuit board for IC Tester 2, IC Tester upgrade -power supply and for Diode/OCR addon device.
When printing this file make sure that you disable Fit to page printer option to gain 1:1 image ratio.
Also there is PCB files if you need to modify printed board.

IC Tester 2 & upgrade
Acrobat reader document file, 101428 hits so far.
File name: ictupgrade.pdf
File size:230.65 kB - 236184 Bytes Update: 2 May 2002
Md5sum: e6e7d72135e8aab1bbe8029c68e2a1c8

You can view it using free Acrobat Reader program from Adobe.

PCB files for IC Tester 2 & upgrade
Ziped pcb files, 101396 hits so far.
File name:
File size:64.35 kB - 65898 Bytes Update: 12 Jan 2005
Md5sum: 381df0f0baf7bbf91f3b1cd595c30e30

For editing, printing or reading use free program from ExpressPCB.


IC Tester program

It's used to operate with IC Tester device, perform tests etc.

Screen shot- 45 Kb

Click on image to enlarge.

Linux program v0.0.6
Linux i386 binary archive file, 101399 hits so far.
File name: ictl006i386.tgz
File size:56.87 kB - 58233 Bytes Update: 10 Mar 2002
Md5sum: c3901390390a2d648f2f1aba14d6804b

In this archive is Linux executable ictester program (for 386 or higher). To install it, become root if you do not have write and setuid permission on /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share, then go in root directory (cd /).
Unpack archive into root directory, Eq. if you download archive into /tmp directory: tar zxvf /tmp/ictl006i386.tgz
This is it, now you can download database and with icupdata script install it.

Minix 16bit program v0.0.6
Minix i86 binary archive file, 101385 hits so far.
File name: ictm006i86.taz
File size:99.75 kB - 102142 Bytes Update: 10 Mar 2002
Md5sum: 65ed6e51291450d98ff48f20df2c27df

In this archive is 16 bit Minix executable ictester program (for 286).
To install it, first become root, then go in root directory (cd /).
Unpack archive into root directory, Eq. if you download archive into /tmp directory: zcat /tmp/ictm006i86.taz | tar xvf -
This is it, now you can download database and with icupdata script install it.

DOS/Windows program v0.0.6
Dos self extract archive file, 101414 hits so far.
File name: ictd006.exe
File size:191.76 kB - 196363 Bytes Update: 10 Mar 2002
Md5sum: 8117d832d673992933cf16aaf1652c53

In this archive is 16 bit DOS executable ictester program (for 286 or higher). To install it, first copy this self extracting archive to temp directory, then go in and run archive to unpack it (ictd006).
After that run install script to install program to C:\ICTESTER, if you want you can delete self extract archive file. Now you can download database and with icupdata script install it.

Program source v0.0.6
Source archive file, 101401 hits so far.
File name: ictester-0.0.6.tar.gz
File size:171.93 kB - 176056 Bytes Update: 10 Mar 2002
Md5sum: 621029a1edb1fa1236c38c5c5711d9a9


IC Tester database editor

IC Tester database editor is GUI program for working with IC Tester test files and databases, program requires X server and gtk library v1.2 or higher. You can use program for exporting analyze test files from database or importing it to database. So far you can run program only under Linux, when gtk library will be ported completely on Windows, it will be available for Windows too.

Screen shot- 62 Kb

Click on image to enlarge.

Linux program v0.0.1
Linux i386 binary archive file, 101386 hits so far.
File name: ictded001i386.tgz
File size:29.54 kB - 30244 Bytes Update: 10 Mar 2002
Md5sum: 77390c4567bb7e0c271a45e967c3e003

In this archive is Linux executable ictdatedit program (for 386 or higher). To install it, become root if you do not have write permission on /usr/local/ directory, then go in root directory (cd /). Unpack archive into root directory, Eq. if you download archive into /tmp directory: tar zxvf /tmp/ictded001i386.tgz

Program source v0.0.1
Source archive file, 101400 hits so far.
File name: ictdatedit-0.0.1.tar.gz
File size:60.72 kB - 62173 Bytes Update: 10 Mar 2002
Md5sum: b2bde6ff289783ba594411654727887a


IC Tester database

IC Tester database contains test data in database or data files which is used for testing ICs. Without it you can only manually test ICs with -w and -r option at program and that can take a while.
If you updating database in your computer, download it and use icupdata script program.
E.q.: icupdata ictdata.tgz
Take a look at supported file. To see what ICs up to now have test files.

IC Tester database
Database archive file, 101408 hits so far.
File name: ictdata.tgz
File size:107.58 kB - 110161 Bytes Update: 7 Mar 2002
Md5sum: 6f61d8e592119000e45068dbabed5edb
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